We are now taking orders for whole LAMB reservations!

Farm Update September 26th 2021

written by

Megan Wilcox

posted on

September 26, 2021

Around the Farm


As lovers of the simple life, we sure do ride the crazy train over here, as I’m sure you can relate.

Since you’ve visited, there is a new fence up, and we’re still doing hay, still moving pigs, chickens, and cattle around. 


Rob doing a "one-over" on the baler. 

A view of the new fence and a little rainbow. 


The new fence keeps sheep, cattle, and pigs, so guess who will be getting sheep for the next growing season!

I’m very excited about this for two reasons;

1- We will be able to offer you lamb.

2- I have a particular job ideally suited for them, and the way they graze that will eliminate the need for us to brush-hog certain areas that we don’t let cows and hogs into.  


Pig Parade! Some of this group is leaving October 3rd and need sorting out. We love our new fence! 


The grass is slowing down with the colder weather, and I think this will be the last full rotation on the grass with the cattle.

We will continue to move them around after the grass slows, but we start feeding hay over the hillsides where extra fertility is needed. 


It was raining pretty good when Rob snapped these pictures- they don't seem to mind. 

An early morning snapshot.

Newly installed Drip Lines for the birds! This supplies a continuous flow of clean water vs. the old drinkers. They could poop in them and needed constant filling and scrubbing. Plus, there is more drinking space now!


I have been staying extra busy with the girls because we are homeschooling. Every day is an adventure, and I love spending all the time with them.

They are growing so fast!

Beth will be five next month, and Kaye is now three and a half!

So as a Momma- I’m going to savor every second and count them as blessings. 


Beth - a professional chicken catcher

Kaye, a super helper with morning chores.

We had a Monarch Butterfly attach herself to one of our Chicken tractors, so every morning the girls would watch her change. Nature is amazing! 

This is her- she just came out the other day. 

We hope you have a blessed week! Stay healthy and sane! 

Stay well, Your Farmer, 


315-256-7626 (Meg's Cell) 

315-404-4004 (Rob's Cell) 

Around the Farm

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